Google Gives Online Video a Big Thumbs Up!
May 06, 2015

Google Gives Online Video a Big Thumbs Up!

As a cutting-edge video production company in Orange County, IDR stays alert for important news concerning the world of website video production and social media video production. We definitely found something to chew on with Google’s latest findings about online video.

As the Big G sees it, online video is no longer an option for mobile marketers; it’s a necessity.  Their latest reports convincingly back up this position. According to company research, 50% of YouTube views take place on mobile devices. This is on a global scale, no domestic. So the whole world has come to the party.

Interestingly, Google discovered mobile devices capture longer attention spans. Millennials are especially attentive to mobile vids, with stats showing this group is twice as likely to be focused on mobile video than on the TV variety.

Google’s research also revealed:

  • People feel more personally connected to ads viewed on smartphones.
  • Over 50% of surveyed consumers use video to assist with purchasing decisions. Not surprisingly, YouTube is their top resource.
  • 75% of viewers want an option to skip mobile video ads.
  • Mobile videos are more likely to be shared than those viewed on a desktop.

If you want more information about building your brand with mobile videos, or about any other video production topic, please share your questions or feedback in our comment box. 

And if you want to take your brand all the way to the top, IDR is ready to make it happen. As one of the premier video production companies in Orange County, we’ll help you drive more sales with our acclaimed Orange County production services for online videos, infomercial production services, and TV commercial production services. Contact IDR Productions for your free consultation. 


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